Abogados de Tráfico y Tickets

August Wins

agosto 23, 2016

**Prospective clients may not obtain the same or similar results. 

Case#: 16ctXXXX 

Charge: DUI

Result: Dismissed

Sheriff’s Deputies were called to the scene of a car facing westbound in the eastbound lane with two flat tires. When deputies approached the car our client was asleep, when asked if everything was okay our client told them that he blew out a tire and was waiting for AAA for roadside assistance. The deputies noticed the smell of alcohol on our client’s breath, that he had bloodshot glassy eyes, and slurred speech. The deputies asked our client to perform field sobriety exercises which he voluntarily did. Our client allegedly performed badly on the exercises, and was arrested for DUI. There was no video taken by the deputies in this case to confirm or deny these allegations.

Our client admitted to the officers that he had two drinks with dinner, but asserted that he performed badly on field sobriety exercises because of the effects of his Type II Diabetes. Our client was asked to take a breathalyzer which he voluntarily did, and blew twice the legal limit at .161.

Our firm prepared for trial. We prepared to challenge the reliability of Breathalyzers on subjects with Type II Diabetes, and assert that any signs of impairment indicated were from the effects of Type II Diabetes.

The State dropped the DUI charge.
Orange County

Charge – Racing on a Highway

Result – Case Dismissed

2016 CT ****

Our client was arrested and charged with Racing on a Highway after an Officer with the Apopka Police Department used a Laser speed measuring device to clock him doing 101 mph in a 45 mph zone. The Officer’s report did not mention any other vehicles involved in the race or that any other person was suspected of or arrested for competing in this “race” against our client. Furthermore, there was no indication that our client’s driving pattern could be considered as reckless driving. After presenting our arguments in court to the Judge, the State agreed to dismiss the case against our client.

Orange County

Charge – Reckless Driving

Result – Case Dismissed

2016 CT ****

Our client was charged with Reckless Driving after a police officer allegedly clocked him at 140 mph in a 70 mph zone on I-4 around 3am. In court, the attorney argued the officer failed to show how our client’s alleged high speed driving in the early hours of the morning without more rose to the level of reckless driving. The State argued that the level of the speed alone was enough to prove that our client was in fact driving recklessly as a matter of driving twice the speed limit. We presented arguments to the court that there was no indication in any report or citation that our client’s driving put any other person at risk or in danger and was insufficient to sustain the charge. The Judge asked the State if there was any evidence any other motorists were at risk, and when the State responded that they did not know, the Judge replied, “Well then the Defense’s argument seems to be right, don’t ya think?” The State responded by dismissing the case against our client.

Winners for Website from 2 weeks ago.

2016 CT ****

Orange County

Driving While License Suspended – Case Dismissed

On March 9, 2015 our client was stopped after a check of his license plate revealed the registered owner of the vehicle was suspended for failing to pay a speeding ticket from 2015. Our client was charged with a criminal offense of Driving While License Suspended With Knowledge. Our client’s old speeding ticket was entering collections court at the time he contacted our office. Our attorneys were able to work with the Court to remove our client from collections to save him a significant amount of money and reinstate his driver’s license. Based on producing a valid driver’s license at his first court date, the State dismissed the charge.

2016 CT ****

Orange County

Driving Under the Influence – 1st Offense – Case Dismissed

Our client was found lawfully parked in a parking lot passed out behind the wheel with the car still running. The first officer who arrived stated in a report that she made contact with a vehicle in reference to a reckless driving call. The second officer to arrive on scene immediately began taking photographs of our client asleep at the wheel. The officer’s knocked on the window and our client was unresponsive. Finally, the officers were able to gain access into the car and realized our client was having a medical emergency. The officers located a cold but sealed can of beer on the passenger floorboard. The arresting officer testified that due to our client’s state and the beer found gave him reason to believe our client was DUI. The officer requested an ambulance to take our client to the hospital. He had the EMT draw our client’s blood while he was unconscious and unable to consent. Our client was placed under arrest for DUI while at the hospital. Our attorneys noticed the officers immediate desire to conduct a DUI investigation absent any evidence our client was impaired but rather having a medical issue. We filed a motion to exclude the results of any blood draw as it was obtained unlawfully and argued that the first officer on scene could not have been investigating our client for reckless driving when he was lawfully parked in a parking lot. Prior to the hearing on the legality of the blood evidence, the State dismissed all charges against our client.

2016 CT ****

Orange County

No Motor Vehicle Registration – Charge Dropped

On May 15, 2016 our client was stopped by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office for making an illegal lane change. During the traffic stop the Deputy discovered our client was on his way home from purchasing the car at auction and did not have it properly registered yet. The Deputy wrote our client a criminal citation for No Motor Vehicle Registration. Upon hiring our firm, we worked on registering the vehicle immediately and providing proof to the State Attorney. Prior to our first court date, the State was willing to drop the criminal charge.Carreras

Hillsborough county


On Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 12:28, a Tampa Police officer was advised that a red Honda Civic and a black care racing east on west Waters Ave towards Florida Ave.  The black car had already been stopped by another officer.

The officer headed west on Waters Ave and observed a red Civic to be in the turn lane to go north of Florida Ave. The officer caught up to the vehicle and initiated a traffic stop.  The Defendant explained to the officer that he had been at the light on Rome Ave when he and a black car accelerated to a high speed.  The Defendant claimed he was not racing and the black car was always behind him.

Result: the case was set for trial and before the trial began, the State dropped the Racing charge.