Abogados de Tráfico y Tickets

Superb firm in all respects! The Ticket Clinic assigned lawyer/s handled my court-required case in THREE hearings with no extra fee charged to me. I was initially very-uncomfortable at not being there following a subpoena but the county clerk confirmed that I should follow the instructions of my lawyer (lawyer via The Ticket Clinic). The Ticket Clinic insisted that I didn’t need to be in court when they represent me (unless they tell me otherwise). They were correct. In the end, my driving record was obtained for the judge who I’d think compared it with a statement I’d submitted. No matter the result, points or not, penalty or none, I liked their representation. In my case, it was a dismissal. For those interested, my stop was a result of a momentary mental distraction after passing a farm tractor and it’s tool truck. I got distracted and I suspect I was daydreaming during a short road segment. I blame only myself. Never again. I’m Mister cruise control now.